Free yourself and your employeesfrom the constraints of HR administration!

Remote signing of employment contracts, real-time receipt of pay slips, secure access to HR documents…

Your employees benefit from smoother interactions throughout their time with the company.

Shorter time to receive and sign documents

Facilitated consultation and use of HR documents

Enhanced employer brand

You think that HR dematerialization could improve your employee experience?

Contact us

Our clients testify

We can do evenmore for you

Find out how Primobox meets your other challenges.

Save time on repetitive tasksTake the time to focus on people

HR data securityProtect your employees' personal data

Your employeesare our priority

Put them at the heart of your HR digital transformation strategy.

Primobox is here to make it easier for you.

Save time on repetitive tasksTake the time to focus on people

HR data securityProtect your employees' personal data